How To Help a Teen with Depression

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Depression can be a very severe mental health condition and should be taken seriously. While many people falsely assume depression begins as an adult, it commonly begins in the teen years. In this article, you’ll learn what depression is and the steps you can take to effectively address it if you suspect your teen might be suffering from this mental illness. 

What is Teen Depression?

Depression is a mental illness known as major depressive disorder that impacts millions of people. It often involves feeling a depressed mood for at least two weeks (persistent depressive disorder). Many teenagers develop depression, which can look like a loss of interest in activities that used to bring them joy, changes in mood, as well as many other symptoms.

Depression in teens is a serious illness and should not be taken lightly. If you suspect your teen might have depression, it’s important to seek help from a mental health professional immediately.

What are Depression Symptoms in Teens?

A teen’s symptoms with depression can involve a variety of behaviors, including but not limited to the below. A depressed teen might experience just a few of these physical and emotional symptoms or many of them. 

  • Feeling constantly depressed or sad
  • Crying spells
  • Sensitivity to rejection or failing
  • Changes in appetite
  • Often feeling tired
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Unexplained physical ailments, such as headaches, stomachaches, and body aches
  • Feeling restless
  • No interest in planning for the future
  • Poor performance in school or work
  • Feeling pressure to fit in with peers
  • Loss of interest in usual hobbies
  • Abusing drugs or alcohol/substance abuse
  • Feeling suicidal
  • Lack of emotional reactions

Sometimes depressed teens will also have other mood disorders, including anxiety, bipolar disorder, and PTSD.

How To Help a Teen with Depression

The good news is that it is very possible to treat depression, and there are several things you can do to help a teen with depression. Keep in mind that early intervention is important, so if you notice any signs that they might be depressed, contact a mental health professional. 

Consider Residential Treatment

Residential treatment is a highly-effective solution for addressing your teen’s depression. During a residential treatment program, your child will receive around-the-clock care from licensed medical professionals. They’ll move into a neutral setting where they can focus on addressing their depression and receive access to individual therapy and family therapy sessions. 

Specifically, they will learn healthy coping skills through a variety of activities such as:

  • Creating art
  • Creating music
  • Exercising (which produces the production of serotonin in the brain, boosting mood and providing other mental health benefits)
  • Journaling about their feelings and experiences
  • Engaging in social activities
  • Aiming for consistent sleep patterns
  • Practicing breathing techniques
  • Learning to accept thoughts and feelings without necessarily having to act on them

Many of the above activities will take place in combination with talk therapy (including but not limited to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, also known as CBT).

Teens in a residential treatment program for depression will also be able to speak with family members and participate in evidence-based therapy sessions with them.

Encourage Your Teen To Talk About Their Feelings

Depression shouldn’t be something your teen hides from you or something they feel they can’t speak about. One of the best things you can do for your teen is to let them know it’s alright to have different feelings, including periods of time when they are depressed. By sharing this with them, you’ll create an environment within your home where your teen will continue to share their thoughts and feelings with you, which can be healthy for them and your relationship. 

Consider Medications

Not every depressed teenager needs medication, but sometimes it can be very helpful. One of the most commonly prescribed medications for depression is known as SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors). These are often the first type of drugs tried for depressive symptoms. There are also many other types of medications available to address the condition. However, your teen will only be prescribed medications if medical professionals believe they would benefit. 

Can Depression Be Treated Without Medication?

Sometimes depression can be treated without medication. This will depend on the specific needs of your child, the type of depression they have, and the reason for their depression. 

How Do I Pay For My Child To Receive Treatment?

We accept multiple forms of payment for depression treatment, including AHCCCS Medicaid and other commercial insurance plans. Our team at Zenith Behavioral Health is available to guide you through the insurance process and explore your options with you. 

Get Treatment For Depression Today

At Zenith Behavioral Health we provide evidence-based treatment solutions and intensive interventions for youth and adults with chronic psychiatric and behavioral disorders, including depression, anxiety disorders, OCD, and other mental health disorders. Our primary goal is to offer a safe and secure environment while advancing each individual’s path toward wellness and recovery.