Adolescent Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers Wheatfields, Arizona

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Adolescent Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers Wheatfields, Arizona

Zenith Behavioral Health in Wheatfields, Arizona employs a staff skilled in treating adolescent boys who need assistance in overcoming addiction and mental health disorders through our dual diagnosis treatment centers for teens. We form a team dedicated to helping your son become the healthy young man you know he can be. It can be difficult to admit that your child is in trouble. It often proves even harder to find the right treatment for them so they get the help they need. If your adolescent son suffers from a drug or alcohol addiction along with a mental illness, it makes finding the right dual-diagnosis treatment centers for them even more important. Contact our adolescent dual diagnosis treatment centers in Wheatfields, Arizona today.
Adolescent Inpatient Mental Health Facilities

Adolescent Mental Health Statistics

Mental health is an important issue among adolescents, with data from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) showing that one in five children aged 13 to 18 years has a mental health disorder. In addition, NIMH reports that suicide is the third leading cause of death for teens and young adults between 10 and 24 years old. This is why it’s essential to recognize the signs of mental health disorders in children, so that they can be given the appropriate help.

While ideally, a person under the age of 18 often experiences good mental health, in reality, many do not. The following statistics point out why quality adolescent inpatient mental health facilities have become so important, especially here in Wheatfields, Arizona


From 2016-2019, the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorders in children ages 3-17 were:

  • ADHD: approximately 6 million
  • Anxiety: approximately 5.8 million
  • Behavioral problems: approximately 5.5 million
  • Depression: approximately 2.7 million


From 2018-2019 among adolescents ages 12-17, the following events occurred:

  • 36.7% experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness
  • 18.8% seriously considered attempting suicide
  • 15.1% experienced a major depressive disorder
  • 8.9% attempted suicide
  • 4.1% had a substance use disorder
  • 3.2% had an illicit drug use disorder
  • 1.6% had an alcohol use disorder


Adolescent Mental Health Treatment Programs Wheatfields, Arizona

Our Adolescent Inpatient Mental Health facility provides a comprehensive program designed to evaluate and treat children and teens aged 12 to 17 in Wheatfields, Arizona, with mental health issues. We understand that each child is unique, so our team of professionals works with the entire family to identify the underlying cause of their condition and develop an individualized treatment plan tailored to their specific needs. Our program includes:

  • 24-hour nursing care
  • Group therapy 
  • Individual therapy
  • Family support services
  • Medication management and education
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Recreational therapy
  • Multi-disciplinary psychiatric evaluations


We also provide educational services to ensure that your child continues their education while in our care. Our team members are specially trained in working with children and teens, so you can rest assured that your child is in capable hands.


Why Choose Inpatient Mental Health Treatment Facilities for Adolescent Boys Wheatfields, Arizona?

While many treatment programs exist for mental illnesses, only some of them specialize in treating adolescents and very few in Wheatfields, Arizona. Zenith Behavioral Health zeroes in on treating males ages 13 to 17, which allows us to laser focus on the needs of this special age group and gender. Our staff of doctors, nurses, therapists, and more know how to talk to and treat this population. This makes our adolescent inpatient mental health facilities in Wheatfields, Arizona unique. 

Not only do we treat mental health issues, but we also can help if your son has become addicted to drugs or alcohol. Our dual diagnosis program treats both conditions simultaneously, allowing your family to save time and money. As well this approach allows your son to achieve progress in both areas faster. 


What We Treat

Mental illness can come in many forms. Some people have just one disorder, while others deal with two or more. We perform an assessment in order to make sure the correct diagnosis is made. We treat a variety of conditions, including the following common ones:


Therapies Offered at Our Mental Health Center Wheatfields, Arizona

No such thing as a one-size-fits-all therapy exists, which means important choices need to be made. Part of our services includes determining which types of therapies we offer will meet your son’s particular needs. Types of therapy that address mental health disorders include the following:

Individual Therapy: Your son will meet with therapists skilled at treating adolescents and giving them a safe place to talk about their mental health. They learn to make sense of what’s going on and manage their conditions in a way that lets them live more peaceful lives.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Mental illness can trap a person in a pattern of unhealthy thinking, which then impacts their self-image and behavior. CBT helps retrain how people think, allowing them to think and act in more positive ways. 

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT): Like CBT, this type of therapy also zeroes in on how choosing positive behaviors can change the way a person feels and lives their lives. As a result, their mental illness symptoms can greatly improve.

Group Therapy: When peers receive treatment together, powerful things can happen. Adolescents in our group therapy learn to offer and receive help from each other in a way that lifts them as a group when it comes to improving their mental health. 

Family Therapy: We treat the family as a whole, allowing everyone to understand each other and come together with the goal of helping their loved one feel better now and in the future.


How to Find The Best Inpatient Mental Health Treatment Programs for Adolescents in Wheatfields, Arizona?

When you look for Wheatfields, Arizona based adolescent inpatient mental health facilities, you want to know what they offer and how they can help your son. If you are in the Wheatfields area, our program can provide quick access to starting the healing process. Many times, it provides comfort for the family to have their loved one close by while he works on getting better.

Prepare a list of questions you have so you can become fully informed. Then, contact a facility that interests you so you can get answers. They should be able to help you understand what they offer and how it will help your child. You can also get information about if the treatment facility accepts your insurance plan.

Contact our Inpatient Adolescent Mental Health Facilities Wheatfields, Arizona

Do you have a son ages 13 to 17 who has been dealt an unfair hand in life and needs help getting control of his mental health? Zenith Behavioral Health provides adolescent inpatient mental health facilities in Wheatfields, Arizona that help change lives. We offer a safe place where young males live while they work on addressing their mental health disorders. We include family therapy to help the whole family learn how to support their loved ones. Visit our admissions page and begin healing today.

Frequently Asked Questions: Adolescent Inpatient Mental Health Facilities Wheatfields, Arizona

Get the answers to your questions about adolescent inpatient mental health facilities in Wheatfields, Arizona.

An adolescent inpatient mental health facility is a specialized medical facility that provides treatment for young people between the ages of 12 and 17 who are struggling with mental health issues. Many facilities in Wheatfields, Arizona offer round-the-clock care and support, including therapy, medication management, and structured activities to help adolescents manage their symptoms and develop coping strategies.

When looking for an adolescent inpatient mental health facility in Wheatfields, Arizona, you will want to make sure that it provides evidence-based treatment and is accredited by recognized mental health organizations. Additionally, be sure to research staff qualifications and experience as well as the types of therapies offered at the facility. Lastly, inquire about their admission process and length of stay to make sure it aligns with your family’s needs.

Adolescent inpatient mental health facilities in Wheatfields, Arizona treat a wide range of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, eating disorders, and substance abuse disorders. Some facilities may specialize in treating specific conditions or populations, such as LGBTQ+ youth or those who have experienced trauma.

Many adolescent inpatient mental health facilities offer a variety of evidence-based treatments, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Additionally, some facilities in Wheatfields, Arizona offer group therapies, recreational activities, art or music therapies, and family counseling. These treatments are designed to help adolescents learn coping strategies and gain insight into their issues.

The length of stay at an adolescent inpatient mental health facility can vary depending on the individual’s needs and treatment goals. Some adolescents may only need a short-term stay of a few days or weeks, while others may require a longer stay of several months. The treatment team will work with the adolescent and their family to determine the most appropriate length of stay.

Family involvement is an important part of treatment at an adolescent inpatient mental health facility. Family therapy sessions may be scheduled to help families better understand their child’s mental health issues and learn how to support them during and after treatment. In addition, some facilities offer family education programs and support groups to help families cope with the challenges of having a child with mental health issues.

After an adolescent is discharged from an inpatient mental health facility in Wheatfields, Arizona, they may continue to receive treatment on an outpatient basis. This may include therapy, medication management, and other supportive services. The treatment team will work with the adolescent and their family to develop a comprehensive aftercare plan to help them continue their recovery and prevent relapse.

At our treatment center in Arizona we accept many payment options such as private insurance, Medicaid and private pay. Below are some insurances our treatment center work with to provide the highest quality care possible.

    – AHCCCS Plans

    – AZ Complete Health

    – Banner University

    – Care 1st

    – Health Choice

    – Indian Health Service

    – Molina Complete Care

    – Mercy Care Plan

    – UHC Community Plan

    – Many Commercial & Private Insurance Policies

For more information, call our admissions team at (602) 847-9887. We look forward to speaking with you.

Recovery Resources

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Our team is ready 24/7 to help you or your loved one begin your recovery & take advantage of what life has to offer.

Anxiety Treatment

Begin Anxiety Treatment at Our Rehab Center in Wheatfields, Arizona

Our Detox & Mental Health Rehab Accepts Medicaid

Has your life become ruled by anxiety, and you feel ready to take back the reins? Our adolescent mental health treatment center in Wheatfields, Arizona, can help you. Call (602) 847-9887, or fill out the confidential callback form below, and learn how we can help you live a life free from anxiety.